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tour 9
< 09/30 >

During his lifetime Leonhard Thurneysser Zum Thurn was associated with innumerable reports of adventures and rumours. While he was known as a physician, chemist and astrologer and also as a printer and geographer, he had a bad reputation as a quack, charlatan and producer of gold.
One of his best known works is his »Archidoxa« with the astrolabe, which contains the tables of the planets. It appeared in 1575. The surface of each of the eight coloured tables holds up to six further discs which can be slid against each other. With their help it was supposed to be possible to predict not only natural phenomena, but also the luck and misfortunes of individuals. The drafts for these tables were created by Jost Amman, a well known artist of woodcuts, drawings and etchings.


akzent Title:

Thurneysser ZumThurn, Leonhardt: Archidoxa.|| Dorin der recht war Motus,|| Lauff vnd Gang/ auch heimligkeit, Wirckung vnd|| Krafft der Planeten/ Gstirns/ vnd gantzen Firmaments Mutie-||rung/ vnd ausziechung aller Subtiliteten/ vnd das Fünffte wesen/ auss den|| Metallen/ ... sampt dem auszug/ vnd|| Verstandt des Astrolabij/ vnd aller|| Zircklen Caracter/ vnd|| Zeichen.|| ... Zum andern mal vnd jetz von newen gemert/ vnd sampt|| dem verstand der Caracter an tag geben/|| Durch Leonhart Thurneisser zum Thurn/ Churfürstlichen|| Brandenburgischen Bestalten Leibs Medicum. - Berlin : Im Grawen Closter [i.e. Thurneysser ZumThurn], 1575. - 2°

Buch 9/10 u.d.T.: Thurneysser ZumThurn, Leonhardt: Euporadēlōsis.|| Das ist ein gnügsame vber-||flussige vnd ausfierliche erklerunge/ oder erleute-|| runge/ vnd verstandt der Archidoxen. - Bibliogr. Nachweis: VD 16 T 1166

1/8 (1575) - 9/10 (1575); Astrolabium (1575)
Signatur: 4° Mu 1999<b> R,
2° 806207 R (Astrolabium)

akzent Further Information:

Link: Staatsbibliothek, Rara Collection



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